Nuts that do good!
Good food is not just about nutrition and taste. It can also be about doing good.
That’s why we’ve partnered with the incredible Wholesome, an online grocery store, to provide our Good & Fugly customers with a free delicious treat: Buy a box of fruit or veg from us, get a bonus packet of STREAT Social Enterprise Maple Spiced Nuts (RRP: $11.50). Strictly limited supply!
Made from a combination of almonds, cashews, pecans and hazelnuts, and then drizzled in maple syrup, and a combination of salt, rosemary, espelette and pul biber (Aleppo) peppers, this incredibly moreish snack is salty, sweet, spicy, crunch and delicious with every bite.
Here’s where the good food comes in
If you haven’t heard of STREAT Social Enterprise before, you’re going to love supporting them. STREAT is a network of businesses, featuring eight cafes, an artisan bakery, a coffee roastery, and a catering and functions business, and their mission is clear and beautiful: they help disadvantaged people that need a hand.
They’ve been incredibly good at it, too. To date, STREAT has supported well over 3,000 young people and provided almost 250,000 hours of training, support, and work experience. Over three quarters of the disadvantaged people that come to STREAT find work and remain in employment, education and training.
That bag of delicious Maple Spiced Nuts directly helps STREAT on its mission. It’s a win for your palette, and an even bigger win for the people STREAT directly supports.
Wholesome is a good food company
Wholesome’s own mission makes it a good food company. It champions Australian-owned and Australian-grown products to support the local economy and our communities. It is committed to sustainability, through the companies it stocks and the ingredients that go into its products and packaging, and the team believe in responsible sourcing, from fair trade ingredients to regenerative agriculture and supply chain ethics.
Compliment the fresh produce you are getting in every Good & Fugly box by heading over to Wholesome and stocking up on people and planet-friendly pantry staples! You’ll be doing good for the planet and community all while feeding your family better.
Grab a Good & Fugly box and let us know if you want your bonus packet of Streat Social Enterprise Maple Spiced Nuts today.