
Three benefits of buying “ugly” produce
Dec 21, 2021
It can be easy to pass over these imperfect fruits and vegetables and choose something that looks more perfect instead.  But there are real benefits to choosing fugly over perfect.
Artichoke: The Vegetable Created By The Greek Gods
Dec 19, 2021
According to Greek mythology, Zeus was responsible for the creation of the artichoke when he took a beautiful girl named Cynara back to Olympus to make her a goddess. Here's Good & Fugly's take on the history of this remarkable vegetable.
6 Simple Ways to Teach Kids About Sustainability and the Environment
Dec 17, 2021
It's never too early to start teaching kids about the environment and ways they can help protect their world. While it might seem like sustainability is a difficult concept for young children to grasp, getting them involved in hands-on activities makes the learning (and teaching) fun! Here are a few simple ideas to help you raise the next generation of planet saviours
6 eco-friendly cleaning products strong enough for the kitchen
Dec 15, 2021
When it comes to cleaning, what you put on your countertops matters just as much as what you use to wipe them down. But with greenwashing claims running rampant across supermarket shelves, it can be confusing to figure out whether you've made the right choice for your home.  Here are six affordable and eco-friendly cleaning products the Good & Fugly team love for keeping the kitchen (and the entire house) sparkling.
The history of… the sweet potato, the globe-trotting vegetable
Dec 09, 2021
Over the last decade, sweet potatoes have become a popular choice for the health conscious...
Yep, Ugly Fruit And Veg Could Well Be Better For You
Dec 02, 2021
There’s a chance that by fossicking around for catwalk-ready fruit and vegetables on supermarket shelves,...