3 dairy free desserts

3 dairy free desserts

Jan 05, 2023Jonathan Englert

Whether you choose to not consume dairy or perhaps have an intolerance, that doesn't mean you should miss out on enjoying dessert! Many desserts contain dairy but excitingly, more and more recipes are surfacing that are dairy-free. 

There are many to choose from but we wanted to share some of our favourties!

These are the perfect combo between brownies and cookies and contain zero milk. We also love that recipe is listed as super easy and can be done in only twenty minutes! Jamie Oliver has many more dairy-free recipes to enjoy, so be sure to check out his backlog of recipes. To get your chocolate and nut cookies coming out of the over, get started here.

2) Tahini cakes with orange blossom glaze

You will love these crumbly, zesty Greek cakes from SBS food. These cakes don't contain any dairy and also no eggs. You'll need about twenty minutes to prep these beauties and then about twenty-five minutes cooking time. Enjoy your tahini cakes with a coffee or tea. Get cooking here.

3) Birthday cake

We've added this one to the list so you're covered for the next birthday celebration. This one by the team at KidSpot. Using dairy substitutes, this pink delight will be a crowd pleaser. It's kid-friendly but can be of course adjusted to suit anyone celebrating their birthday with different icing or decorations. Start baking now.

We love these dairy free desserts and why not try mixing up your creations by adding some fugly fruit or veg! There are plenty of ways to add fruit as toppings, a side dish or even using veggies in the recipe! Let us know what you come up with.

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