Medibank's Live Better --Fresh Fugly Produce AND Double Rewards? This Is a Promotion Not To Miss

Medibank's Live Better --Fresh Fugly Produce AND Double Rewards? This Is a Promotion Not To Miss

Jun 14, 2024Jonathan Englert

Did you know that Good & Fugly is a proud partner of the Medibank Live Better rewards program? And that there’s a great offer going at the moment where you can earn double the rewards points?

Medibank has a truly great rewards program as a bonus for members. All you need to do (if you are a member) is connect your credit or debit card to the program, and then every time you use it in participating retailers you earn points. 

That means that every time you make a Good & Fugly purchase using that linked account, you earn points. Right now, with the double points offer, it’s 10 points per dollar spent. So if you purchase a large fruit and vegetable box, you’ll earn 540 points. 

Those points can be used for everything from a discount on your Medibank Cover premiums through to e-Gift cards from Good & Fugly! Once you’ve got 5,000 points, that’s a $50 gift card, and enough fruit and vegetables to feed your family for a week on us. 

So many rewards programs are stingy with the points, or make the rewards so expensive that they’re functionally pointless. We’re proud to be partnering with one of the truly great rewards program that brings Medibank customers meaningful value in both the short and long term. 

Health insurance is, of course, important. With the cost of living being what it is at the moment, however, families should not have to choose between eating well and having good health cover. 

In partnering with Medibank Live Better rewards, we can do our part to help address this challenge. 

Don’t miss the chance to earn double rewards points! The promotion is until July 7. 

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