We know first-hand the power of community. How bringing like-minded individuals together is what starts to create a movement and ultimately change. Finding others whom you can connect with, talk to, brainstorm with, and share information is a powerful way to contribute to the environment. It’s how real change is created when people start to work toward the same goal, the same vision.

Good & Fugly is passionate about creating a greener future, and we know you are too! So we’ve partnered with 'The Planet app' to make our shipping carbon neutral.

As the global demand for meat and dairy products continues to rise, more and more land is being cleared for livestock production. In the Amazon, vast tracts of forest are being cleared to make way for cattle grazing and the cultivation of soybean, which is used as animal feed.

It's never too early to start teaching kids about the environment and ways they can help protect their world. While it might seem like sustainability is a difficult concept for young children to grasp, getting them involved in hands-on activities makes the learning (and teaching) fun! Here are a few simple ideas to help you raise the next generation of planet saviours