Good & Fugly at the National Food Waste Summit

Good & Fugly at the National Food Waste Summit

Nov 24, 2022Jonathan Englert

This week, the team has headed up to Brisbane for the National Food Waste Summit. We are excited and proud to be joining many other food waste fighters to discuss, brainstorm and share information about how we can make real and long-lasting changes to Australia's food waste problem.

Over two days, participants will hear from a range of national and international food waste experts and change makers. The stellar lineup includes The Hon. Tanya Plibersek MP, Minister for the Environment and Water, Jon Dee Planet Ark co-founder, change agent, Net Zero Expert, and Ronni Kahn Founder, OzHarvest, just to name a few.

Good & Fugly will be an exhibitor at the event where we will be chatting to participants about our mission to fight food waste by rescuing fabulous fuglies and delivering them to homes across Australia. We believe that change comes through collaboration, and we can't wait to meet up with some of our exisiting friends and partners, and make new ones.

We're thrilled to be part of this important event to learn, and contribute to the discussion. However, the summit is about even more than coming together to talk and learn, it's about setting a goal to reduce Australia's food waste amount by half, by 2030. Australia has a lot of work to do to make this happen, but we believe it's possible.

You can see our very own, Rich Tourino speaking with channel ten at the Summit!  

To learn more about the work of Stop Food Waste Australia - check out this great video below that explains the problem we are facing with food waste in Australia, including the environmental, social and financial impacts, as well as what we need to start doing as a nation to fight food waste.


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