Over the years, the use of mobile phones has crept in more and more for most people. All you need to do is spend a little time looking around you on the bus, at a cafe, or even on the street to see just how ubiquitous they are.

No doubt, you've experienced the frustration of fruit flies hovering around your fruit! Fruit flies tend to increase in numbers during the warmer months. These pesky little guys reproduce at incredibly fast rates which can make tackling a fruit fly infestation tricky.

We are pleased to see there are more and more discussions being had about the environment, and the urgency for change. At Good & Fugly, we are motivated by the difference, we believe, we can all make by reducing food waste. Although there is a long way to go, we are heartened to see more and more businesses, change-makers, communities and individuals talking about what we can do and taking steps towards change.

We know takeaway meals are an easy option, especially when you can have it delivered straight to your door. However when you have a few easy to make recipes up your sleeve, that taste better than take away, you'll really wonder why you ever opted for takeaway in the first place! Not to mention all the money you'll save and the helping the environment by not contributing to extra waste created by packaging.

Whether you choose to not consume dairy or perhaps have an intolerance, that doesn't mean you should miss out on enjoying dessert! Many desserts contain dairy but excitingly, more and more recipes are surfacing that are dairy-free.

One of the easiest ways to reduce food waste is to avoid creating leftovers that could become waste or, be smart and use your leftovers so they don't become waste. This week, are so excited to chat to Kate McHugh, the founder of Seasnal - a fantastic website that shares tips and tricks to take the mental load of how to reduce waste, save money and reduce your environmental footprint